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Plastic Pipe
PEX Pipe
AluPEX Pipe
Metal Pipe
Copper/Brass Pipe
Cable Trays
Pair Coils
Elect Dist Box
Joints and Gaps
Tilt Slab
Smoke Seal
Naked Wall

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Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Gap 1

System ID FC110

Linear joint seals for single-layer plasterboard walls. Between head of wall and soffit of concrete floor (up to 25mm gap) or between vertical end of wall and concrete wall (up to 15mm gap). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant to depth 12.5mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/45

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Gap 1-2

System ID FC506

Linear joint seals for plasterboard walls. Between head of wall and soffit of concrete floor (up to 25mm gap) or between vertical end of wall and concrete wall (up to 15mm gap). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant to depth 12.5mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Gap 2

System ID FC296

Linear joint seals for double-layer plasterboard walls. Between head of wall and soffit of concrete floor (up to 30mm gap) or vertical end of wall and concrete wall (up to 30mm gap). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm backed by 12.5mm mineral wool  or  Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant to the full depth of 25mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Gap No Stud

System ID FC507

Linear joint seals between vertical end of wall and concrete wall with no stud backing (up to 30mm gap). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm backed by 20mm mineral wool. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard to Steel Beam

System ID FC508

Linear joint seals for plasterboard or concrete walls between head of wall and steel substrate above (up to 30mm gap). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm backed by 12.5mm mineral wool  or  Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant to the full depth of 25mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/60 (seal only - thermal rating of system determined by rating of steel)

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard to Steel Column

System ID FC510

Linear joint seals for plasterboard or concrete walls between end of wall and steel column or substrate (up to 30mm gap). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm backed by 12.5mm mineral wool  or  Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant to the full depth of 25mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/60 (seal only - thermal rating of system determined by thermal rating of the steel)

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete to Steel Framing

System ID FC563

Linear joint seals for plasterboard or concrete walls between wall and steel framing (such as fire doors) (up to 30mm gap). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm backed by 12.5mm mineral wool  or  Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant to the full depth of 25mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/60

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard to Ceiling

System ID FC509

Linear joint seals for plasterboard or concrete walls between head of wall and plasterboard ceiling above (up to 30mm gap). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm backed by 12.5mm mineral wool  or  Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant to the full depth of 25mm. Max FRR -/120/60

Protecta FR Acrylic Gaps to Timber

System ID FC470

Linear joint seals between plasterboard or concrete walls and timber walls or floors, including single-sided seals. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant 12.5mm backed by 12.5mm mineral wool (or simply fill with 25mm Acrylic sealant). Joint width up to 30mm. Ideal for sealing to timber floors or beams. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/60

Protecta FR Acrylic Gap Steel to Steel

System ID FC472

Linear joint seals between steel substrates (beams, columns, etc) in plasterboard or concrete walls. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant 12.5mm backed by 12.5mm mineral wool (or simply fill with 25mm Acrylic sealant). Joint width up to 30mm. Thermal rating dependent on rating of steel. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/30

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Gap 2-S

System ID FC322

Joint seal between wall elements or between wall and soffit of floor. Protecta FR Acrylic sealant 15mm to each side with 20mm stone wool backing. Joint width up to 30mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Tilt Slab Wall Gap

System ID FC539

Joint seal between tilt slab wall elements. Protecta FR Acrylic sealant single-sided or double-sided options. Joint width up to 50mm. Internal use only. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Gap 1-S

System ID FC112

Linear joint seal between 100mm concrete/AAC floor slabs or gap seal between slab and wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm backed with mineral wool. Joint width up to 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Gap 1-S

System ID FC111

Joint seal between wall elements or between wall and soffit of floor. Protecta FR Acrylic sealant to one side. Joint width up to 50mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Gap 2-S

System ID FC323

Linear joint seal between 100mm concrete/AAC floor slabs or gap seal between slab and wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 15mm both sides with mineral wool backing. Joint width up to 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Steel to Steel Gap

System ID FC412

Linear gap seal between 100mm concrete/AAC floor slabs lined with steel or aluminium. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm (top) or 15mm (both sides) backed with mineral wool. Joint width up to 30mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/120 (but note thermal rating will depend on the thermal rating of the steel or aluminium).

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Blank Seal

System ID FC259

Blank seal in concrete wall from 75mm. Protecta FR Acrylic 12.5mm to 25mm single and double-sided. Aperture up to 300 x 300mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Electrical Cable 1-S

System ID FC113

Electrical cable (single, up to 21mm diam) through a concrete wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm. Max 300x300mm. Annular space min 7mm. Fire from both directions. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Cables 2-S

System ID FC114

Cables (single up to 80mm, bundles up to 100mm) through a 100mm concrete wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth from 12.5mm. Max 300x300mm. Annular min 10mm. Separation between cables or bundles 10mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240 

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Metal Pipe CI 1-S

System ID FC116

Metal or alupex pipe (single, insulated, interrupted) through a concrete wall (steel to 219mmm, copper to 54mm, alupex to 75mm). Protecta FR Acrylic 25mm any position. Fire from both directions. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Metal Pipe CS 1-S

System ID FC278

Metallic pipe (single, insulated, continuous, steel up to 324mm) through a concrete wall. Protecta FR Acrylic 25mm any position with mineral wool backing. Fire from both directions. Max 300x300mm or 504mm diam. Annular min 10mm. Separation min 30mm between seals. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Bare 1-S

System ID FC328

Metal or alupex pipe (single, uninsulated) through a concrete wall (steel to 219mm, copper to 54mm, alupex to 75mm). Protecta FR Acrylic 25mm any position. Fire from both directions. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/-

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Metal Pipe CI 2-S

System ID FC117

Metal or Alupex pipe (insulated, interrupted) through a concrete wall (steel to 219mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm). Protecta FR Acrylic 12.5-25mm both sides with stone wool backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Metal Pipe CS 2-S

System ID FC279

Metallic pipes (single, insulated, continuous, steel up to 324mm, copper up to 54mm, Alupex up to 75mm) through a 100mm concrete wall. Protecta FR Acrylic 12.5-15mm to both sides of wall with stone wool backing. Max 300x300mm or 300mm diam. Annular min 10mm. Separation min 30mm between seals. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Bare 2-S

System ID FC327

Metal or alupex pipe (uninsulated) through a concrete wall (steel to 219mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm). Protecta FR Acrylic 12.5-15mm both sides with stone wool backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Metal Combustible

System ID FC324

Metal pipes with continuous combustible (elastomeric) or non-combustible insulation (Steel up to 273mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 100mm concrete, AAC or masonry wall. Protecta FR Acrylic 25mm to both sides of wall. Max 300x300mm or 300mm diam. Annular min 10mm. Separation min 30mm between seals. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Plastic Pipe 2-S

System ID FC325

Plastic pipes (single, PVC-U, PVC-C, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R up to 32mm) through a concrete wall from 100mm. Protecta FR Acrylic 25mm to both sides of wall. Max 300x300mm or 300mm diam. Annular min 10mm. Separation min 30mm between seals. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Wall Conduit

System ID FC467

Conduit, flexible or rigid, (PVC, PP or PE, up to 40mm) through a 100mm concrete wall, fully or partially filled with cables (electrical, data or fibre optic) up to 21mm diam. Protecta FR Acrylic 25mm to both sides of wall. Annular space min 10mm, max 30mm. Separation min 30mm between seals. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic 13mm Plasterboard Blank

System ID FC329

Blank seal in single-layer 13mm plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic 13mm each side of wall. Rating -/60/60 up to 150 x 150mm or equivalent. Backing may be any material to hold sealant in place. No cavity insulation required. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Acrylic 13mm Plasterboard Cables

System ID FC174

Cables up to 21mm diam (electrical, data or fibre optic) single or bundled up to 100mm through single-layer 13mm plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm both sides of wall. No backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/45

Protecta FR Acrylic 13mm Plasterboard Conduit

System ID FC469

Conduit (PVC, PE or PP) up to 32mm through a single-layer 13mm plasterboard wall, partially or completely filled with cables (electrical, data or fibre optic) up to 21mm diam. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm both sides of wall. Annular space 10-30mm. No backing required. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/45

Protecta FR Acrylic 13mm Plasterboard Plastic Pipe

System ID FC418

Plastic pipe up to 32mm (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PP, PEX, PP-R, etc) through a single layer 13mm plasterboard wall, Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 13mm both sides of wall. No backing required. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/30/30

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Cables Single Side

System ID FC341

Cables up to 21mm (power, data or fibre optic) single or bundled through one side only of single-layer 13mm plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant to depth 12.5mm. No backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/45

Protecta FR Acrylic 13mm Plasterboard Pipe Bare

System ID FC330

Metal Pipe (steel to 22m, bare) through single-layer 13mm plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm both sides of wall. No backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/30

Protecta FR Acrylic 13mm Plasterboard Pipe CS

System ID FC331

Steel pipe up to 324mm with continuous insulation through 13mm single-layer plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm both sides of wall. No backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/45

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Wall Blank

System ID FC261

Blank seal in plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic to 12.5mm each side of wall backed with 20mm stone wool. Aperture up to 300 x 300mm or equivalent. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Wall Cables

System ID FC118

Cables (electrical, fibre optic, data) single or bundles up to 100mm diam through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5 to 25mm both sides. Max aperture size 300x300mm or equivalent. Cables up to 21mm also approved for penetrations in linear gap seals. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Wall Conduit

System ID FC468

Conduit, flexible or rigid, (PVC, PE or PP) up to 40mm through a plasterboard wall, partially or completely filled with cables (electrical, fibre optic, data) up to 21mm diam. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm both sides. Annular space 10-30mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Wall Metal Pipe Insulated

System ID FC119

Metallic pipe with continuous non-combustible insulation (Steel to 324mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth min 12.5mm both sides backed with stone wool (or just 25mm Acrylic). Max hole size 300x300mm. Annular min 10mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Wall Metal Pipe CI

System ID FC121

Metal pipe (Steel to 219mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm both sides with stone wool backing. Max aperture 300x300mm. Annular space min 10mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Wall Combustible Insulation

System ID FC365

Metallic pipe with elastomeric combustible insulation or non-combustible insulation (steel up to 165mm diam, copper to 54mm, alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth min 25mm both sides, some with mineral wool backing. Max hole size 300x300mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Wall Metal Pipe Bare

System ID FC333

Bare metal pipe (Steel to 219mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm diam) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 12.5mm both sides with stone wool backing. Max aperture 300x300mm. Annular space min 10mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/-

Protecta FR Acrylic Plasterboard Wall Plastic Pipe

System ID FC618

Plastic pipe up to 32mm (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PP, PEX, PP-R, etc) through a plasterboard wall, Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm both sides of wall. No backing required. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Wall Blank Seal

System ID FC135

Blank seal up to 180mm diam in 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Acrylic sealant 25mm to each side of wall backed with 25mm stone or mineral wool. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Wall Cables

System ID FC136

Cables up to 50mm diam (electrical, data or fibre optic) single or bundles up to 100mm through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant 25mm each side backed with mineral wool. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Wall Metal Pipe Interrupted Insulation

System ID FC137

Metal pipes (Steel to 273mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) with interrupted insulation through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. FR Acrylic 25mm each side backed with stone wool. Max aperture 293mm (steel) or 180mm (copper/alupex). Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Wall Metal Pipes Bare

System ID FC314

Metal pipes (Steel to 273mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) with no insulation through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. FR Acrylic 25mm each side backed with stone wool. Max aperture 293mm (steel) or 180mm (copper/alupex). Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/-

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Wall metal Pipe Combustible Insulation

System ID FC109

Metallic pipe with elastomeric combustible insulation or non-combustible insulation (steel up to 114mm diam, copper to 54mm, alupex to 75mm) through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth min 25mm both sides with mineral wool backing. Annular space 10-30mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/45

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Wall Plastic Pipe

System ID FC108

Plastic pipe up to 32mm (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PP, PEX, PP-R, etc) through a 100mm solid timber or CLT, Protecta FR Acrylic sealant depth 25mm both sides of wall with mineral wool backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Blank

System ID FC262

Blank seal up to 300mm x 300mm in 100mm concrete floor. Protecta FR Acrylic to top side of floor or top and bottom for higher rating. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Cable1-S

System ID FC123

Single cable (electrical, dats, fibre optic) up to 21mm diam through a 100mm concrete/AAC floor. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm one side only with mineral wool backing. Max hole size 300x300mm or 100mm linear joint. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Acrylic Composite Floor Cable

System ID FC636

Single cable (electrical, dats, fibre optic) up to 21mm diam through a composite concrete/AAC floor (min topping 50mm). Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm one side only with mineral wool backing. Max hole size 300x300mm or 100mm linear joint. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Cable2-S

System ID FC124

Cables (all types of insulated electric cables with copper or aluminium core, fibre optic cables, communication cables) up to 80mm diam single or 100mm bundles) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 15mm both sides. Max hole size 300x300mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Conduit

System ID FC466

Conduit, flexible or rigid, (PVC, PE or PP) up to 40mm diam with or without cables (all types of insulated electric cables, fibre optic cables, communication cables, up to 21mm diam) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm both sides with 25mm stone wool backing. Min 10mm annular, max hole size 300x300mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC617

Plastic pipe (PVC, PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, etc) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm both sides with 25mm stone wool backing. Min 10mm annular, max hole size 300x300mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Metal Pipe CI 1-S

System ID FC125

Single insulated (interrupted) metallic pipe (copper up to 54mm, steel up to 219mm, alupex up to 75 diam) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 15-25mm one side only or anywhere inbetween. Max aperture 300x300mm or 100mm linear gap. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Composite Floor Metal Pipe CI

System ID FC637

Single insulated (interrupted) metallic pipe (copper up to 54mm, steel up to 219mm, alupex up to 75 diam) through a composite floor. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 15-25mm with mineral wool backing. Max aperture 300x300mm or 100mm linear gap. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Metal Pipe Bare 1-S

System ID FC335

Single bare metallic pipe (copper up to 54mm, steel up to 324mm, alupex up to 75mm diam) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 15-25mm one side only or anywhere inbetween. Max aperture 300x300mm or 100mm linear gap. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/-

Protecta FR Acrylic Composite Floor Metal Pipe Bare

System ID FC638

Single bare metallic pipe (copper up to 54mm, steel up to 324mm, alupex up to 75mm diam) through a composite floor. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 15-25mm with stone wool backing. Max aperture 300x300mm or 100mm linear gap. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/-

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Metal Pipe CS 1-S

System ID FC302

Metal pipe with continuous non-combustible insulation (Steel up to 324mm, Copper up to 54mm, Alupex up to 75mm diam) through a 100mm concrete floor. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm with mineral wool backing to top of floor only. Max seal size 300 x 300mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Composite Floor Metal Pipe CS

System ID FC260

Metal pipe (Steel to 324mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a composite floor min 73mm. Protecta FR Acrylic to 25mm backed with 48mm stone wool. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Metal Pipe CI 2-S

System ID FC298

Single insulated (interrupted) metallic pipe (steel up to 219mm diam) through a 100mm concrete floor. Max aperture 300x300mm or 100mm linear gap. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 15mm both sides with stone wool backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Metal Pipe Bare 2-S

System ID FC300

Single non-insulated metallic pipe (copper 54mm, steel 219mm) through a concrete floor down to 100mm. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 15-25mm both sides. Up to 300x300 seal size or 100mm linear gap.. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/-

Protecta FR Acrylic Concrete Floor Metal Pipe Combustible 2-S

System ID FC299

Single metallic pipe (steel up to 165mm, copper up to 54mm, alupex up to 75mm) with elastomeric or phenolic foam combustible insulation or any non-combustible insulation through a concrete/AAC floor min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm both sides with mineral wool backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/180/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Floor Blank Seal

System ID FC413

Blank seal in a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm with 25mm stonewool backing. Max 220mm diameter. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Floor Cables

System ID FC411

Cables (all types of insulated electric cables with copper or aluminium core, fibre optic cables, communication cables) up to 50mm diam single or 100mm bundles through a solid timber or CLT floor min 150mm thick. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm both sides. Max hole size 220mm diameter. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Floor Metal Pipe Interrupted

System ID FC414

Metal pipe (Steel to 273mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) with interrupted insulation, through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. Protecta FR Acrylic 25mm top and bottom with mineral wool backing. Aperture up to 293mm diam. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Floor Metal Pipe Bare

System ID FC415

Bare metal pipe (Steel to 273mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. Protecta FR Acrylic 25mm top and bottom with mineral wool backing. Max aperture 293mm diam (steel) or 220mm diam (copper, alupex). Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -120/-

Protecta FR Acrylic Timber Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC416

Plastic pipes up to 32mm diam (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R, etc) through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. Protecta FR Acrylic Sealant depth 25mm top and bottom with mineral wool backing. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Floor Blank

System ID FC443

Blank seal up to 160mm diameter in a concrete floor. Minimum floor thickness 100mm. Protecta collar fixed to underside of floor, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC146

Combustible pipe up to 400mm (PVC, PP, PE, PEX, HDPE, PP-R, Acoustic, Aquatherm, etc) through a 100mm concrete floor. Protecta collar fixed to underside of floor, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Zero smoke at 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe Top-fix

System ID FC444

Combustible pipe 32-160mm (PVC, PP, PEX, PE, PP-R, etc) through a 100mm concrete floor. Protecta collar fixed to top side of floor, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant to top of collar only. No oversize collars permitted. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Collar Composite Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC438

Plastic pipes up to 160mm (PVC, PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, etc) through a composite floor. Protecta FR Collar to top side only. No minimum topping required. Finish with bead of Protecta FR Acrylic sealant to top of collar. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Floor Conduits

System ID FC440

Conduits (rigid or flexible up to 32mm) of PVC, PE, PEX single or in bundles up to 160mm diam through a 100mm concrete floor. Protecta collar fixed to underside of floor, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Floor Cables

System ID FC442

Cable bundles up to 160mm (electrical, data or fibre optic) through a 100mm concrete floor. Protecta collar to underside of floor with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Floor Metal/Plastic Pipe Combustible/Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC441

Insulated pipes (Copper or steel up to 54mm diam, Alupex to 75mm, PP/PE to 160mm) with combustible or non-combustible insulation through a 100mm concrete or AAC floor. Protecta collar to underside of floor with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta FR Collar Timber Infill Approval

System ID FC473

Protecta FR Collars have been tested in timber floors, so may be used in situations where a timber infill has been left in place under a concrete slab floor. All existing approvals for FR Collars up to 160mm can be used with fixings passing through the timber infill and penetrating 40mm into the concrete slab. See the Timber Infill Approval document for details. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Timber Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC147

Combustible pipe up to 400mm (PVC, PP, PE, PEX, HDPE, PP-R, Acoustic, Aquatherm, etc) through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. Protecta collar fixed to underside of floor, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant top and bottom. Oversize collars permitted. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Collar Timber Floor Conduits

System ID FC439

Conduits (rigid or flexible up to 32mm) of PVC, PE, PEX single or in bundles up to 160mm diam through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. Protecta collar fixed to underside of floor, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant top and bottom. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Collar Timber Floor Cables

System ID FC595

Cable bundles up to 160mm (electrical, data or fibre optic) through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. Protecta collar to underside of floor with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta FR Collar Timber Floor Metal/Plastic Pipe Combustible/Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC596

Insulated pipes (Copper or steel up to 54mm diam, Alupex to 75mm, PP/PE to 160mm) with combustible or non-combustible insulation through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. Protecta collar to underside of floor with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta FR Collar Pbd Wall Blank Seal

System ID FC436

Blank seal up to 160mm in a plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with stone or mineral wool plug. Min wall 100mm. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Single Layer Standard Plasterboard Wall

System ID FC480

Combustible pipe 32-160mm (PVC, PE, PP) through a plasterboard wall with single layer Standard board 10mm or 13mm. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Minimum wall thickness 51mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/60/30

Protecta FR Collar Single Layer Plasterboard Wall

System ID FC541

Combustible pipe 32-160mm (PVC, PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, etc) through a single layer plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Min wall 75mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Collar Plasterboard Wall Plastic Pipe

System ID FC144

Combustible pipe 32-400mm (PVC-U, PVC-C, PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, PP-MV etc) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Min wall thickness 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Pbd Wall Composite Pipe

System ID FC432

Low-noise waste pipes (mineral reinforced PP) and Aquatherm domestic water pipes (PP-R, PP-RP, PP-RCT) 32-160mm through a plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Min wall 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Pbd Wall Plastic Pipe Bundles

System ID FC598

Plastic pipes up to 40mm of any type (PVC-C, PVC-U, PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, PP-MV, PP-H) in mixed bundles up to 160mm through a 100mm plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Collar Pbd Wall Cables

System ID FC434

Cables, single or bundled, (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic or data) up to 160mm through a plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Min wall 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/120/60

Protecta FR Collar Pbd Wall Conduits

System ID FC597

Conduits up to 40mm of any rigid or flexible plastic, single or bundled, with or without cables up to 21mm (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic or data) in mixed bundles up to 160mm through a 100mm plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Collar Pbd Wall Insulated Plastic Pipe

System ID FC599

PE or PP plastic pipes up to 160mm with combustible or non-combustible insulation through a plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Min wall 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Pbd Wall Insulated Metal Pipe

System ID FC437

Steel or Copper pipes up to 54mm or Alupex pipes up to 75mm with combustible or non-combustible insulation through a plasterboard wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Min wall 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Collar Oversize Approval

System ID FC433

Protecta FR Collars have been tested oversize, so they can be used in situations where a pipe is not square to the wall or floor, or where the aperture is over-size. Oversize collars can be used in walls or floors, concrete, timber or plasterboard and for pipes, cables or conduits. Collars up to 160mm can be used with any size pipe at angles up to 45degrees off-centre. See pages 9 and 52 of the Assessment for Oversize Approval details. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Timber Wall Plastic Pipe

System ID FC602

Combustible pipe 32-400mm (PVC-U, PVC-C, PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, PP-MV etc) through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Min wall thickness 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Timber Wall Composite Pipe

System ID FC603

Low-noise waste pipes (mineral reinforced PP) and Aquatherm domestic water pipes (PP-R, PP-RP, PP-RCT) 32-160mm through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Timber Wall Plastic Pipe Bundles

System ID FC604

Plastic pipes up to 40mm of any type (PVC-C, PVC-U, PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, PP-MV, PP-H) in mixed bundles up to 160mm through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Collar Timber Wall Cables

System ID FC605

Cables, single or bundled, (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic or data) up to 160mm through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Min wall 100mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/60

Protecta FR Collar Timber Wall Conduits

System ID FC606

Conduits up to 40mm of any rigid or flexible plastic, single or bundled, with or without cables up to 21mm (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic or data) in mixed bundles up to 160mm through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Collar Timber Wall Insulated Plastic Pipe

System ID FC607

PE or PP plastic pipes up to 160mm with combustible or non-combustible insulation through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Timber Wall Insulated Metal Pipe

System ID FC608

Steel or Copper pipes up to 54mm or Alupex pipes up to 75mm with combustible or non-combustible insulation through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Wall Plastic Pipe Single-sided

System ID FC550

Combustible pipe 32-160mm (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R, etc) through a concrete wall. Single Protecta collar to either side, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Min wall thickness 75mm. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/240/180

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Wall Plastic Pipe

System ID FC145

Combustible pipe 32-400mm (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R, etc) through a concrete wall from 100mm. Protecta collar to both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa with 10mm FR Acrylic. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Wall Composite Pipe

System ID FC610

Low-noise waste pipes (mineral reinforced PP) and Aquatherm domestic water pipes (PP-R, PP-RP, PP-RCT) 32-160mm through a 100mm concrete, AAC or masonry wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Oversize collars permitted. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Wall Plastic Pipe Bundles

System ID FC611

Plastic pipes up to 40mm of any type (PVC-C, PVC-U, PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, PP-MV, PP-H) in mixed bundles up to 160mm through a 100mm concrete, AAC or masonry wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Wall Cables

System ID FC612

Cables, single or bundled, (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic or data) up to 160mm through a 100mm concrete, AAC or masonry wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/60

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Wall Conduits

System ID FC613

Conduits up to 40mm of any rigid or flexible plastic, single or bundled, with or without cables up to 21mm (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic or data) in mixed bundles up to 160mm through a 100mm concrete, AAC or masonry wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Wall Insulated Plastic Pipe

System ID FC614

PE or PP plastic pipes up to 160mm with combustible or non-combustible insulation through a 100mm concrete, AAC or masonry wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Collar Concrete Wall Insulated Metal Pipe

System ID FC615

Steel or Copper pipes up to 54mm or Alupex pipes up to 75mm with combustible or non-combustible insulation through a 100mm concrete, AAC or masonry wall. Protecta collar both sides, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Zero smoke leakage up to 200Pa. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Putty Pad - Socket Box

System ID FC152

Electrical flush box (including plastic) in a plasterboard wall, back to back or offset

Protecta FR Putty Cord Pbd or Concrete Wall Single Cable

System ID FC312

Single cable up to 80mm (electrical with copper or aluminium conductor, fibre optic, data) through a plasterboard or concrete wall. Max FRR -/120/120. Approved in single layer systems with lower FRR. Does not require annular space. Blank seal up to 14mm diameter. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing.

Protecta FR Putty Cord Plasterboard Wall Cable Bundle

System ID FC349

Cable bundles up to 50mm (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic, data) through a plasterboard wall. Max FRR -/120/120. Approved in single layer systems with lower FRR. Does not require annular space. Blank seal up to 15mm diameter. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing.

Protecta FR Putty Cord Plasterboard Wall Bare Pipe

System ID FC352

Uninsulated pipes (steel, copper or alupex) through a plasterboard wall. Max FRR -/120/120. Approved in single layer systems with lower FRR. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing.

Protecta FR Putty Cord Plasterboard Wall Pipe LI

System ID FC353

Metal pipes (steel, copper, local interrupted insulation) through a plasterboard wall. Max FRR -/120/120. Approved in single layer systems with lower FRR. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing.

Protecta FR Putty Cord Plasterboard Wall Pipe CS

System ID FC354

Metal pipes (steel, copper, continuous insulation) through a plasterboard wall. Max FRR -/120/120. Approved in single layer systems with lower FRR. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing.

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Wall Cable Bundle

System ID FC403

Cable bundles up to 50mm (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic, data) through a concrete wall min 100mm. Max FRR -/120/120. Does not require annular space. Blank seal up to 15mm diameter. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Wall Bare Pipe

System ID FC404

Uninsulated pipes (steel, copper or alupex) through a concrete wall, min 100mml. Max FRR -/120/120. Does not require any annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Wall Pipe LI

System ID FC405

Metal pipes (steel, copper, local interrupted insulation) through a concrete wall, min 100mm. Max FRR -/120/120. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Wall Pipe CS

System ID FC406

Metal pipes (steel, copper, continuous insulation) through a concrete wall, min 100mm. Max FRR -/120/120. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Floor Cable Bundle Top

System ID FC355

Cables, single or bundles up to 50mm (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic, data), through a concrete floor min 100mm. Protecta Putty Cord fillet to top side of floor only. Max FRR -/240/240. Does not require annular space. Blank seal up to 15mm diameter. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Floor Cable Bundle Soffit

System ID FC356

Cables, single or bundles up to 75mm (electrical with copper or aluminium conductors, fibre optic, data), through a concrete floor min 100mm. Protecta Putty Cord fillet to soffit side of floor only. Max FRR -/120/60. Does not require annular space. Blank seal up to 15mm diameter. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Floor Bare Pipe Top

System ID FC358

Pipes (uninsulated, steel to 22mm, copper to 10mm) through a concrete floor min 100mm. Protecta Putty Cord fillet to top side of floor only. Max FRR -/120/120. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Floor Bare Pipe Soffit

System ID FC357

Pipes (uninsulated, steel to 30mm, copper to 12mm) through a concrete floor min 100mm. Protecta Putty Cord fillet to soffit side of floor only. Max FRR -/120/120. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Floor LI Pipe

System ID FC359

Pipes (interrupted insulation, steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm) through a concrete floor min 100mm. Protecta Putty Cord fillet to top side of floor only. Max FRR -/240/240. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Putty Cord Concrete Floor CS Pipe

System ID FC360

Pipes (continuous insulation, steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm) through a concrete floor min 100mm. Protecta Putty Cord fillet to top side of floor only. Max FRR -/240/240. Does not require annular space. Click here for Tested System Tech Drawing

Protecta FR Wrap Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Combustible Insulation

System ID FC584

Metal pipe (Steel to 324mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) with combustible insulation through a core-drilled concrete wall min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Wrap to both sides of wall. Max annular space 30mm. Fill all remaining annular space with Protecta FR Acrylic to full depth of wall. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Wrap Core-drilled Concrete Wall Plastic Pipes

System ID FC571

Plastic pipes (PVC-U, HDPE, PEX, PP, PPR, Acoustic, Aquatherm, etc) and bundles of mixed 32mm plastic pipes through a core-drilled concrete wall min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Wrap to both sides of wall. Max annular space 30mm. Fill all remaining annular space with Protecta FR Acrylic to full depth of wall. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Wrap Concrete Wall Conduit

System ID FC101

Plastic conduit (PVC, PE, PEX, PP, PP-R, etc) through a core-drilled 100mm concrete wall, Two layers of Protecta FR Wrap to each side. Max annular gap 30mm. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic to full depth of wall. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Wrap Concrete Wall Plastic Pipe Combustible Insulation

System ID FC583

Plastic pipes (PE, HDPE, PEX, PP, PPR, etc) with combustible insulation through a core-drilled concrete wall min 100mm thick. Protecta FR Wrap to both sides of wall. Max annular space 30mm. Fill all remaining annular space with Protecta FR Acrylic to full depth of wall. Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Wrap Concrete Floor Core-drilled Metal Pipe Combustible Ins

System ID FC575

Metal pipes with combustible insulation (steel 40mm-165mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 100mm core-drilled concrete floor. Max annular gap 30mm. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap 50mm fitted at bottom of seal. Fill any remaining annular space to a depth of 15mm with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant backed with 25mm stone wool (or fill with 40mm Acrylic). Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta FR Wrap Concrete Floor Core-drilled Plastic Pipe

System ID FC585

Plastic pipe (PVC-U up to 110mm) through a 100mm core-drilled concrete floor. Max annular gap 30mm. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap 50mm fitted at bottom of seal. Fill any remaining annular space to a depth of 15mm with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant backed with 25mm stone wool (or fill with 40mm Acrylic). Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Pipe Wrap FC154

System ID FC154

Plastic pipes (315mm) through  a concrete wall. Mortar 100mm to either side of wall. Pipe wrap 75mm (or 2x50mm)

Protecta FR Pipe Wrap FC159

System ID FC159

Plastic pipes (PE 110mm) through a concrete floor. Mortar 50mm flush with top of floor, with 50mm stone wool backing. Protecta FR Pipe Wraps fitted into mortar.

Protecta FR Pipe Wrap FC161

System ID FC161

Metallic and Composite pipes (up to 75mm) through a plasterboard or concrete wall. Mortar 25mm each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap double layer of 50mm wide flush with face of each side of seal.

Protecta FR Pipe Wrap FC162

System ID FC162

Metallic or composite pipes (copper to 54mm, composite to 75mm) through a plasterboard or concrete wall. Mortar 25mm to each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap 50mm double layer each side.

Protecta FR Pipe Wrap 0247 A.6.6

System ID FC173

Plastic pipes (PVC, PE, PP all up to 160mm) through a plasterboard or concrete wall. Mortar 25mm both sides of wall. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap fitted to both faces.

Protecta FR Board Naked Wall Timber Stud Unlined

System ID FC392

Timber studs at max 1320mm centres - no nogs required - with 60mm thick Protecta FR Board 600 x 1200mm sheets friction-fitted into the stud cavities. Protecta FR Acrylic sealant applied at joints. No lining required so wall can be constructed from one side. FRR -/45/45

Protecta FR Board Naked Wall Timber Stud Unlined 90min

System ID FC729

Timber studs at max 1224mm centres - no nogs required - with 80mm of Protecta FR Board 600 x 1200mm sheets friction-fitted into the stud cavities. Protecta FR Coating applied to all FR Board edges and exposed timber painted with Protecta Interior Paint FR-1. No lining required so wall can be constructed from one side. FRR -/90/60

Protecta FR Board Naked Wall Timber Lined

System ID FC728

Timber studs at 600mm centres - no nogs required - with 60mm thick Protecta FR Board 562 x 1200mm sheets coated on all four edges with Protecta FR Coating friction fitted into the stud cavities. Line both sides with 12mm particleboard and fill end gaps with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Finish with coat of Protecta Interior Paint FR-1 to exposed particleboard. FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Board Naked Wall Steel Stud

System ID FC393

Steel studs at 600mm centres - no nogs required - with 60mm thick Protecta FR Board 600 x 1200mm sheets fitted into the stud cavity and friction fitted to adjacent stud with staggered joints.  Protecta FR Acrylic sealant applied at joints. Line both sides with plasterboard (Standard 13.5 mm or better). FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Blank

System ID FC253

Blank seal in concrete wall up to 1200mm high x unlimited width. Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-s, one sheet friction-fitted anywhere within aperture. Seal edges with FR Acrylic.  Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/90

Protecta FR Board Roof Space Blank

System ID FC311

Blank seal between top of a concrete or plasterboard wall and underside of above construction substrate, which may be flat, sloping or serrated (e.g. Comflor, Traydec, etc). FR Board friction fitted any position within aperture. Unlimited width x 1200 high. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/90

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Single Cable

System ID FC176

Cable (single up to 21mm, any position in board) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick with Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided friction fitted anywhere in wall cavity. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/90

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Steel, Copper, Alupex Pipes CI, CS

System ID FC178

Metal pipe (interrupted or continuous insulation, copper to 54mm, steel to 325mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided to one side of wall only. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Bare Metal Pipes

System ID FC351

Metal pipes (Uninsulated, Copper to 54mm, Steel to 325mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided to one side of wall only. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/-

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Comb Ins

System ID FC276

Metallic pipes (Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) with continuous combustible or non-combustible insulation through a concrete, AAC or masonry wall. Single Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-S anywhere in the aperture (max 1200 x 600mm). Protecta FR Collar either side of FR Board. Collar may be oversize to 110mm. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Steel Pipe Combustible Insulation

System ID FC363

Metal pipe (continuous combustible or non-combustible insulation, steel to 165mm) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided to one side of wall only or anywhere in between. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap single layer. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/30

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Plastic Pipes Collar

System ID FC104

Plastic pipes (PVC, PE, PEX, HDPE, etc) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick, Single Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-S anywhere in the aperture (max 1200 x 600mm) with Protecta FR Collar each side of FR Board. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/60

Protecta FR Boardx2 Concrete Wall Blank

System ID FC252

Blank seal in concrete or masonry wall up to 1200mm high x unlimited width. Wall thickness minimum 75mm. Protecta FR Board 60mm double-sided friction fitted to both sides of wall. Pattress fit option available. Seal edges with FR Acrylic. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Boardx2 Concrete Wall Cables, Conduits

System ID FC310

Cables (single or bundles) and conduits through a concrete or masonry wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 60mm or 50mm to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Pattress fit option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/180

Protecta FR Boardx2 Concrete Wall Cable Trays

System ID FC175

Cable trays or conduit through a concrete wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 60mm or 50mm to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Pattress fit option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/180

Protecta FR Boardx2 Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Interrupted

System ID FC177

Metal pipes with interrupted insulation (Steel to 219mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 16mm) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick.. Protecta FR Board 60mm or 50mm to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic. Unlimited width x 1200mm high. Pattress fit option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/180

Protecta FR Boardx2 Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Bare

System ID FC569

Metal pipes with no insulation (Steel to 324mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 60mm or 50mm to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic. Unlimited width x 1200mm high. Pattress fit option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/-

Protecta FR Boardx2 Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Continuous Ins

System ID FC275

Metal pipes (Steel up to 324mm, Copper up to 54mm, Alupex up to 75mm, continuous sustained insulation) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 60mm or 50mm to both sides of wall. Pattress fit option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/180

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Combustible Insulation

System ID FC234

Metal pipes with continuous combustible or non-combustible insulation (Steel to 324mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 50mm and Protecta FR Wrap to each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR - /120/120

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Conduits (Single or Bundle)

System ID FC102

Plastic conduits (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R) up to 110mm fully or partially filled with cables up to 14mm diam or smaller conduits in bundles up to 110mm diam through a concrete, AAC or masonry wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S each side. Double layer Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around conduit each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Pattress option. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Boardx2 and Wrap Concrete Wall Plastic Pipes

System ID FC570

Plastic pipes (PVC-U, HDPE, PEX, PP, PPR and specialty acoustic and thermal) and bundles of mixed 32mm plastic pipes through a concrete wall min thickness 75mm. Protecta FR Board 60mm or 50mm and Protecta FR Wrap to both sides of wall. Protecta FR Acrylic to finish. Pattress fit option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Plastic Pipes Combustible Insulation

System ID FC103

Plastic pipes (PP, PE, PEX, PE-HD, PP-R) up to 160mm diam with combustible Elastomeric or PE Foam insulation (9 - 50mm thick) or non-combustible insulation through a concrete, AAC or masonry wall min 75mm thick. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around pipe insulation each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/60/60.

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Blank Protruding

System ID FC254

Blank seal in concrete wall up to 600 x 600mm. Protecta FR Board 60mm double-sided on each side of wall, protruding up to 30mm. Rating -/240/180. Seal edges and exposed faces with Protecta FR Acrylic.

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Blank Pattress Fit

System ID FC255

Blank seal in concrete wall up to 600 x 600mm. Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-S on each side of wall, pattress fixed 50mm overlap, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Max FRR -/240/180.

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Cables & Trays Pattress Fit

System ID FC181

Cables (single, bundles or cable trays) through a concrete wall. Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided to both external faces of wall, pattress fixed, with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Board Concrete Wall Mixed Services

System ID FC408

Protecta FR Board and Protecta EX Mortar may be used to provide a penetration seal for mixed services within the same aperture. Services can include cables, cable trays, metallic pipes, composite pipes and plastic pipes, with and without insulation.

Protecta FR Board x2 Concrete Floor Blank

System ID FC256

Blank seal in 150mm concrete floor up to 2400 x 1200mm. Two layers Protecta FR Board 60mm double-sided with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta FR Board x2 Concrete Floor Cables & Trays

System ID FC182

Cables (single, bundles or cable trays) or PVC Conduit through a 150mm concrete floor. Two layers Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-S with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Concrete Floor Blank

System ID FC257

Blank seal in 100mm concrete floor up to 2400 x 1200mm (or linear gap up to 800mm). One layer Protecta FR Board 60mm double-sided anywhere in aperture. Seal edges Protecta FR Acrylic. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Board Concrete Floor Cables & Trays

System ID FC183

Cables (single, bundled or cable trays) and conduit through a 100mm concrete floor. One Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided positioned anywhere in floor. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/90/30

Protecta FR Board x2 Concrete Floor Steel Pipe CI

System ID FC185

Steel pipe (interrupted insulation, mild or stainless steel up to 219mm) through a concrete floor min 120mm. Two layers of Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided fitted together anywhere within the floor. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Board x2 Concrete Floor Steel Pipe Bare

System ID FC573

Steel pipe (no insulation, mild or stainless steel up to 219mm) through a concrete floor min 120mm. Two layers of Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided fitted together anywhere within the floor. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/-

Protecta FR Board Concrete Floor Steel, Copper, PEX/AL/HDPE Pipe Interrupted Ins

System ID FC186

Metallic pipe (interrupted insulation, copper to 54mm, steel to 219mm, PEX/AL/HDPE to 75mm) through a 100mm concrete floor. One layer Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided anywhere in floor space. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta FR Board Concrete Floor Steel, Copper, PEX/AL/HDPE Pipe Bare

System ID FC574

Metallic pipe (no insulation, copper to 54mm, steel to 219mm, PEX/AL/HDPE to 75mm) through a 100mm concrete floor. One layer Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided anywhere in floor space. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/-

Protecta FR Board-Pipe Wrap Concrete Floor Combustible/Non-combustible Ins

System ID FC167

Metal pipes with continuous combustible or non-combustible insulation (steel 40mm-165mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 120mm concrete floor. Two Protecta FR Boards 60mm 2-sided fitted anywhere in the aperture, together or separate. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap 50mm fitted at bottom of seal. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta FR Board Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe with Wrap

System ID FC165

Plastic pipes (PVC-U to110mm) through a 100mm concrete floor. Protecta FR Board 2-sided (50mm or 60mm) in middle of floor. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap 50mm double layer. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Board Concrete Floor Mixed Services

System ID FC572

Protecta FR Board and Protecta EX Mortar may be used to provide a penetration seal for mixed services within the same aperture. Services can include cables, cable trays, metallic pipes, composite pipes and plastic pipes, with and without insulation.

Protecta FR Board Timber Floor Linear Gap

System ID FC549

Linear gap in solid timber or CLT floor (up to 400mm wide, unlimited length). Protector FR Board friction fitted into gap and second FR Board pattress fitted to soffit. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Board Timber Floor Cables & Trays

System ID FC576

Cables (single, bundled or cable trays) and conduit through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. One Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm friction fitted within aperture and second FR Board overlapping the aperture by 100mm all sides. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/90/60

Protecta FR Board Timber Floor Steel, Copper, Alupex Pipe Interrupted Insulation

System ID FC577

Metallic pipe (interrupted insulation, copper to 54mm, steel to 273mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. One layer Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm within the aperture with  a second FR Board overlapping 100mm. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/90/90

Protecta FR Board Timber Floor Steel, Copper, Alupex Pipe Bare

System ID FC578

Metallic pipe (bare - no insulation, copper to 54mm, steel to 273mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 150mm solid timber or CLT floor. One layer Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm within the aperture with  a second FR Board overlapping 100mm. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/90/-

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Blank or Linear Gap

System ID FC258

Blank or linear gap seal in plasterboard wall up to 1200mm high x unlimited width. One layer Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S to each side of wall. Minimum single layer 13mm plasterboard. Seal with Protecta FR Acrylic. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Linear Gap to Rigid Substrate

System ID FC601

Blank or linear gap seal up to 1200mm high x unlimited width from plasterboard wall to rigid substrate (concrete, AAC, masonry, steel, etc). One layer Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S to each side of wall. Minimum single layer 13mm plasterboard. Seal with Protecta FR Acrylic. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Cables

System ID FC580

Cables, single or bundled through a plasterboard wall, including single layer plasterboard walls. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S (or 60mm 2-S) to both sides of wall. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Cables & Trays

System ID FC188

Cables and conduits on trays through a plasterboard wall, including single layer plasterboard walls. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S (or 60mm 2-S) to both sides of wall. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall CS Metal Pipes

System ID FC272

Metal pipes (continuous non-combustible insulation, steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S to each side of wall. Pattress fixed option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Metal Pipe Combustible/Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC274

Metal pipes with continuous combustible or non-combustible insulation (steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around pipe insulation. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Metal Pipe Interrupted Insulation

System ID FC189

Metal pipes with insulated interrupted (steel to 219mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-sided to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Metal Pipes Bare

System ID FC313

Metallic pipes (un-insulated, steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-sided to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/-

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Conduits (Single or Bundle)

System ID FC559

Plastic conduits (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R) up to 110mm fully or partially filled with cables up to 14mm diam or smaller conduits in bundles up to 110mm diam through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S each side. Double layer Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around conduit each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Pattress option. Smoke-safe. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Plastic Pipes

System ID FC581

Plastic pipes (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R up to 400mm) or composite pipes (Aquatherm, Uponor Decibel, etc up to 160mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around pipes each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Pattress option. Smoke-safe. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Plastic Pipes Combustible/Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC364

Plastic pipes (PP, PE, PEX, PE-HD, PP-R) up to 160mm diam with combustible Elastomeric or PE Foam insulation (9 - 50mm thick) or non-combustible insulation through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around pipe insulation each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Pattress fix option available. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Metal Pipes Insulated

System ID FC171

Metal pipes with stone wool continuous insulation (Steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided to either side of wall or anywhere inbetween. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/90/60

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Plastic Pipe Collar

System ID FC172

Plastic pipes (PVC, HDPE, PEX, PP, PP-R, etc  all to 160mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Board 60mm 2-sided to either side of the wall or anywhere inbetween. Protecta FR Collar to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/60

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Metal Pipe Combustible or Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC170

Metallic pipes with continuous combustible or non-combustible insulation (Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta FR Collar to both sides of the wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall C-Purlin

System ID FC743

A system designed to protect C-Purlins installed in a fire-rated plasterboard, concrete or masonry wall, using Protecta FR Board & Protecta FR Acrylic.
Tested in NZ to AS1530.4 – 2014 in a local impartial IANZ accredited 3rd party laboratory to max FRR -/120/120.
Tested configurations: 3-sided with purlin against a concrete soffit and 4-sided.
Tested C-Purlin sizes 200/12 and 400/20.

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall I-Beam

System ID FC783

Plasterboard, concrete or masonry walls penetrated by an I-beam. Pattress fitted Protecta FR Board with Protecta FR Acrylic. 
Tested in NZ to AS1530.4 – 2014 by an impartial IANZ accredited 3rd party laboratory to max FRR -/120/120
Tested configurations: 3-sided to concrete soffit, including wrapping and 4-sided with no wrapping.
Tested beam was 250UC89.5 (approx 255mm x 260mm)

Protecta FR Board Plasterboard Wall Mixed Services

System ID FC409

Protecta FR Board and Protecta EX Mortar may be used to provide a penetration seal for mixed services within the same aperture. Services can include cables, cable trays, metallic pipes, composite pipes and plastic pipes, with and without insulation.

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Blank or Gap Seal

System ID FC166

Blank or linear gap seal in a solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm pattress fitted to each side of wall oversailing aperture by 100mm. Fix with 100mm wood screws and penny washers. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Cables

System ID FC586

Cables, single or bundled through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S (or 60mm 2-S) pattress-fitted to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Cables & Trays

System ID FC587

Cables and conduits on trays through a 100mm solid timber or CLT walls. Protecta FR Board 50mm 1-S (or 60mm 2-S) pattress-fitted to both sides of wall. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall CS Metal Pipes

System ID FC588

Metal pipes with continuous non-combustible insulation (steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm pattress-fitted to each side of wall.  Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Metal Pipe Combustible or Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC589

Metal pipes with continuous combustible or non-combustible insulation (steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm pattress-fitted to each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around pipe insulation each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h leakage). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Metal Pipe Interrupted Insulation

System ID FC590

Metal pipes with insulated interrupted (steel to 219mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm pattress-fitted to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Metal Pipes Bare

System ID FC591

Metallic pipes (un-insulated, steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm pattress-fitted to both sides of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/30

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Conduits (Single or Bundle)

System ID FC592

Plastic conduits (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R) up to 110mm fully or partially filled with cables up to 14mm diam or smaller conduits in bundles up to 110mm diam through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm pattress-fitted each side. Double layer Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around conduit each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Plastic Pipes

System ID FC593

Plastic pipes (PVC, PE, PE-HD, PEX, PP, PP-R up to 400mm) or composite pipes (Aquatherm, Uponor Decibel, etc up to 160mm) through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm pattress-fitted each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around pipes each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe (<0.1m3/h smoke leakage at 200Pa). Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta FR Board Timber Wall Plastic Pipes Combustible or Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC594

Plastic pipes (PP, PE, PEX, PE-HD, PP-R) up to 160mm diam with continuous combustible Elastomeric or PE Foam insulation (9 - 50mm thick) or non-combustible insulation through a 100mm solid timber or CLT wall. Protecta FR Board 50mm or 60mm pattress-fitted each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap around pipe insulation each side of wall. Finish with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Smoke-safe. Max FRR -/60/60

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Blank Backed

System ID FC264

Blank seal in concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm with 50mm stone wool backing, anywhere within aperture. Rating -/180/120. Up to 2400mm wide x 1200mm high.

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Cables Backed

System ID FC194

Cables (single or bundles) and conduits through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm any position in wall backed by 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/180/90

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Cable Tray Backed

System ID FC342

Cable trays with cables through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm any position in wall backed by 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/180/60

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Blank

System ID FC265

Blank seal in concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm anywhere within aperture. Rating -/240/240. Up to 2400mm wide x 1200mm high.

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Cables

System ID FC197

Cables (single or bundled) and conduits through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm any position within the wall. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Cable Trays

System ID FC343

Cable trays through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm any position within the wall. Max FRR -/240/60

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Metal Pipe CS Backed

System ID FC195

Metal pipes (insulated sustained mineral wool, steel 219mm) through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm any position within wall backed by 50mm mineral wool 150kg/m3. Max FRR -/120/90

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Metal Pipe CI Backed

System ID FC196

Metal pipe (steel, copper, Alupex, interrupted insulation) through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm any position in wall backed with 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/180/120

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Bare Backed

System ID FC345

Bare metal pipes (steel, copper, Alupex) through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm any position in wall backed with 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/180/-

Protecta EX Mortar 0672 A.1.7

System ID FC198

Plastic pipes (PVC, PE, PP all to 32mm) through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm to either side of wall.

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Interrupted Insulation

System ID FC199

Metal pipe (single, insulated interrupted, steel up to 219mm) through a 100mm concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm any position in the wall. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Metal Pipe Bare

System ID FC346

Metal pipe (uninsulated, steel to 219mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a 100mm concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm any position in wall. Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Wall Metal Pipe CombustibIe or Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC344

Metal pipes (combustible or non-combustible insulation sustained, steel up to 165mm) through a concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm with Protecta FR Pipe Wraps. Max FRR -/240/60

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Blank Backed

System ID FC267

Blank seal in 100mm concrete floor. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm backed with 50mm stone wool any position in floor. Rating -/180/180. Up to 2400 x 1200mm.

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Cables Backed

System ID FC201

Cables (bundles up to 100mm) or PVC Conduits through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm, backed by 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Cable Trays Backed

System ID FC336

Cables, wires and PVC Conduits on cable trays through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm, backed by 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/180/60

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Blank

System ID FC268

Blank seal in 100mm concrete floor. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm anywhere in the floor. Rating -/240/240. Up to 2400mm x 1200mm aperture.

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Cables

System ID FC337

Cables or PVC Conduits through a concrete floor or wall min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm to top, bottom or anywhere inbetween. Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Conduits

System ID FC567

Conduits (PVC, HDPE, PEX or PP) through a concrete floor or wall min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm to top, bottom or anywhere in between. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap to bottom of seal. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Cable Trays

System ID FC203

Cables (single or bundled or trays), unsheathed wires and PVC conduits through a concrete floor or wall min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm any position within the floor. Max FRR -/180/60

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Metal Pipe CI Backed

System ID FC202

Steel, Copper or Alupex pipe (insulated interrupted, steel to 219mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm, backed by 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/180/180

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Metal Pipe CS Backed

System ID FC338

Metallic pipe (continuous insulation, steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm, backed by 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Metal Pipe Bare Backed

System ID FC339

Metallic pipes (uninsulated, steel to 324mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm, backed by 50mm mineral wool. Max FRR -/180/120

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Metal Pipe Interrupted Insulation

System ID FC204

Metallic pipe (single, insulated interrupted, steel to 219mm) through a concrete floor or wall min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm any position within floor. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Metal Pipe Bare

System ID FC340

Metallic pipe (uninsulated, steel 219mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete floor or wall min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm any position within floor. Max FRR -/240/120

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Metal Pipe Combustible or Non-combustible Insulation

System ID FC205

Metallic pipes (multiple, combustible insulation sustained, Steel  to 324mm, Copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a concrete floor or wall min 100mm thick. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm with Protecta FR Pipe Wraps. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe All Types

System ID FC206

All types of plastic pipes (PVC, PP, PE, PEX, Aquatherm, Acoustic, Multilayer, etc) through a concrete floor. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm any position within floor with Protecta FR Pipe Wrap to bottom of seal. Min 30mm between pipes or edges. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Insulated Plastic Pipes

System ID FC568

Insulated plastic pipes (PP, HDPE, PEX) through a concrete floor or wall min 100mm thick. Insulation may be combustible (Elastomeric or foam) or non-combustible. Protecta EX Mortar 100mm to top, bottom or anywhere in between. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap to bottom of seal. Max FRR -/240/240

Protecta EX Mortar Concrete Floor Mixed Services

System ID FC407

Protecta FR Board and Protecta EX Mortar may be used to provide a penetration seal for mixed services within the same aperture. Services can include cables, cable trays, metallic pipes, composite pipes and plastic pipes, with and without insulation.

Protecta EX Mortar 0672 A.2.10

System ID FC207

Plastic pipe (single, PP 40mm, PE 40mm & 110mm) through a concrete floor. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm flush with top of floor, backed by 50mm mineral wool. PE 110mm requires Protecta FR Pipe Wrap 50mm 1 layer.

Protecta EX Mortar 0672 A.2.11

System ID FC208

Plastic pipes (multiple, PVC up to 40mm diam) through a concrete floor. Protecta EX Mortar 50mm to either side of floor, backed by 50mm mineral wool.

Protecta EX Mortar P'bd Wall Cables and Trays

System ID FC211

Cables (single, bundles or trays) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta EX Mortar 25mm to both sides of wall, with 50mm mineral wool inbetween. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta EX Mortar P'bd Wall Metal Pipe Interrupted Ins

System ID FC212

Metallic pipes (multiple, insulated interrupted, Alupex composite up to 75mm, steel up to 219mm, copper up to 54mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta EX Mortar 25mm to each side of wall with 50mm mineral wool inbetween. Max aperture 2400x1200mm. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta EX Mortar Plasterboard Wall Bare Metal Pipe

System ID FC562

Bare metal pipes (multiple, insulated interrupted, Alupex composite up to 75mm, steel up to 219mm, copper up to 54mm) through a plasterboard wall. Protecta EX Mortar 25mm to each side of wall with 50mm mineral wool inbetween. Max aperture 2400x1200mm. Max FRR -/120/-

Protecta EX Mortar P'bd Wall Metal Pipe CombustibIe Insulation

System ID FC163

Metallic pipes (combustible insulation, steel to 165mm, copper to 54mm, Alupex to 75mm) through a plasterboard wall. Mortar 50mm each side. Protecta FR Pipe Wrap 50mm double layer each side of wall. Max FRR -/120/120

Protecta EX Mortar 0672 A.3.6

System ID FC214

Plastic pipes (multiple, PVC, PE and PP all to 32mm) through a plasterboard or concrete wall. Protecta EX Mortar 25mm to each side of wall with 50mm mineral wool inbetween. Max aperture 2400x1200

Protecta FR Damper Concrete Floor with Mortar

System ID FC474

Damper (round or rectangular) through a concrete floor min 100mm thick, in larger apertures up to 2400x1200mm sealed with Protecta EX Mortar.

Protecta FR Damper Concrete Floor Core-drilled with Putty

System ID FC514

Damper through a concrete floor min 100mm thick, core-drilled with gap less than 10mm. Seal with Protecta FR Putty Cord both sides with mineral wool on top side only.

Protecta FR Damper Concrete Floor Core-drilled with Acrylic

System ID FC515

Damper through a concrete floor min 100mm thick, core-drilled with gap 10mm-30mm. Seal with Protecta FR Acrylic sealant backed by mineral wool both sides. Wrap with mineral wool on top side only.

Protecta FR Damper Concrete Wall

System ID FC475

Damper (round or rectangular) through a concrete wall min 100mm thick, core-drilled sealed with FR Acrylic or in aperture up to 1200mm high with unlimited width sealed with Protecta FR Board.

Protecta FR Damper Plasterboard Wall

System ID FC477

Damper (round or rectangular) through a plasterboard wall min 100mm thick, core-drilled sealed with FR Acrylic or in aperture up to 1200mm high with unlimited width sealed with Protecta FR Board.

Single Sided Systems

System ID FC348

All Protecta double-sided systems may be used as single-sided systems. See attached letter from Manufacturer.

FIRESTOP Inspection Hatch

System ID FC493

The FIRESTOP Inspection Hatch is a lightweight, cost effective inspection hatch for plasterboard walls or ceilings with some unique features. Size is 300x300mm with a pleasing powder-coated off-white finish.


System ID FC790

FIRESTOP Gap Seal in 50mm linear gap in concrete slab floor 120mm thick or greater. FRR -/60/60

FIRESTOP AluTherm Wrap

System ID FC520

AluTherm is a glasswool thermal wrap ideal for HVAC installations requiring thermal protection. Rolls are easy to handle and non-irritating. Size is 1200mm wide by 18m in length.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Uninterrupted Duct Rectangular or Circular Internal or External Fire

System ID FC808

Protection of uninterrupted rectangular or circular ducts. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. Internal or external fire. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 3-Sided Application Rectangular Duct Internal or External Fire

System ID FC871

Protection of uninterrupted rectangular ducts close to a wall or floor. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 applied to three sides only. Internal or external fire. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 2-Sided Application Rectangular Duct Internal or External Fire

System ID FC872

Protection of uninterrupted rectangular ducts close to a corner. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 applied to two sides only. Internal or external fire. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Plasterboard Wall Rectangular Duct Internal or External Fire

System ID FC107

Rectangular duct penetrating a plasterboard fire-rated wall (from single layer 13mm). FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. Internal or external fire. Annular gap 10-30mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Plasterboard Wall Rectangular Duct One-Way Internal Fire

System ID FC222

Rectangular duct penetrating a plasterboard wall (1 x 13mm or greater). One-way system. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 (single or double layer) on non-fire side only. Steel angle both sides. Useful for situations where a grease duct opens to the fire source (kitchen). No wrap or collar required from fire source to the first fire-wall. Internal fire only. Annular gap 10-30mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Plasterboard Wall Rectangular Duct One-Way External Fire

System ID FC283

Rectangular duct penetrating a plasterboard wall (1 x 13mm or greater). One-way system. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 on fire side only. Steel angle both sides. Useful for situations where an air duct traverses a potential fire source (machine room). No wrap or collar required outside the fire source. External fire only. Annular gap 10-30mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Wall Rectangular Duct Internal or External Fire

System ID FC876

Rectangular duct penetrating a concrete or masonry wall, 100mm thick or greater. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. Internal or external fire. Annular gap up to 200mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Wall (90mm) Rectangular Duct One-Way Internal Fire

System ID FC229

Rectangular duct penetrating a concrete or masonry wall, min 90mm thick. One-way system. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 (single or double layer) on non-fire side only. Steel angle both sides. Useful for situations where a grease duct opens to the fire source (kitchen). No wrap or collar required from fire source to the first fire-wall. Annular gap <30mm. Internal fire only. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Wall (120mm) Rectangular Duct One-Way Internal Fire

System ID FC878

Rectangular duct penetrating a concrete or masonry wall, min 120mm thick. One-way system. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 (single or double layer) on non-fire side only. Steel angle both sides. Useful for situations where a grease duct opens to the fire source (kitchen). No wrap or collar required from fire source to the first fire-wall. Annular gap 20-170mm. Internal fire only. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Wall Rectangular Duct One-Way External Fire

System ID FC502

Rectangular duct penetrating a concrete or masonry wall, min 90mm thick. One-way system. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 on fire side only. Steel angle both sides. Useful for situations where an air duct traverses a potential fire source (machine room). No wrap or collar required outside the fire source. External fire only. Annular gap <30mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Floor Rectangular Duct Internal or External Fire

System ID FC284

Rectangular duct penetrating a concrete floor, 100mm thick or greater. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. Internal or external fire. Annular gap up to 200mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Floor Rectangular Duct Internal Fire

System ID FC223

Rectangular duct penetrating a concrete floor, 120mm thick or greater. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single, double or triple layer. Internal fire. Annular gap 20-170mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Floor Rectangular Duct External Fire

System ID FC874

Rectangular duct penetrating a concrete floor, 100mm thick or greater. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. External fire. Annular gap up to 200mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Floor-Ceiling Rectangular Duct Internal or External Fire

System ID FC285

Rectangular duct penetrating a 60 minute floor/ceiling system (1x16mm plasterboard ceiling). FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. Internal or external fire. Annular gap 10-30mm. Up to FRR 60/60/60.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Floor-Ceiling Rectangular Duct Internal Fire

System ID FC227

Rectangular duct penetrating a floor/ceiling system (1x16mm plasterboard ceiling). FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 with extra layers at penetration. Internal fire. Up to FRR 60/60/60.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Floor-Ceiling Rectangular Duct External Fire

System ID FC305

Rectangular duct penetrating a floor/ceiling system (1x16mm plasterboard ceiling). FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 with extra layers at penetration. External fire. Up to FRR 60/60/60.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Plasterboard Wall Circular Duct Internal or External Fire

System ID FC546

Circular duct penetrating a plasterboard fire-rated wall (from single layer 13mm). FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. Internal or external fire. Annular gap <30mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Plasterboard Wall Circular Duct One-Way Internal Fire

System ID FC726

Circular duct penetrating a plasterboard wall (1 x 13mm or greater). One-way system. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 (single or double layer) on non-fire side only. Steel angle both sides. Useful for situations where a grease duct opens to the fire source (kitchen). No wrap or collar required from fire source to the first fire-wall. Internal fire only. Annular gap 10-30mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Wall Circular Duct Internal or External Fire Core-drilled Aperture

System ID FC560

Circular duct up to 1,000mm diam in a core-drilled aperture through a concrete or masonry wall, 100mm thick or greater. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. Internal or external fire. Annular gap <30mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Wall Circular Duct Internal or External Fire Oversize Aperture

System ID FC877

Circular duct up to 1,000mm diam in a rectangular or square aperture through a concrete or masonry wall, 100mm thick or greater. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single or double layer. Internal or external fire. Annular gap up to 200mm. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Concrete Floor Circular Duct Internal Fire

System ID FC503

Circular duct up to 1000mm diam in a square or core-drilled aperture penetrating a concrete floor, 90mm thick or greater. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 single, double or triple layer. Internal fire. Up to FRR 120/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-25 Plasterboard or Concrete Wall Circular Duct Internal Fire

System ID FC401

Circular duct penetrating a fire-rated wall - concrete (min 90mm) or plasterboard (from single layer 13mm). FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-25 single or double layer. Internal fire. Up to FRR 120/120/60.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-25 Plasterboard or Concrete Wall Circular Duct Internal Fire One Way System

System ID FC542

Circular duct penetrating a plasterboard (1 x 13mm or greater) or concrete (min 90mm) wall. One-way system. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-25 (single or double layer) on non-fire side only. Steel angle both sides. Useful for situations where a grease duct opens to the fire source (kitchen). No wrap required from fire source to the first fire-wall. Internal fire only. Up to FRR 120/120/60.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-25 Composite Floor Circular Duct Internal Fire

System ID FC224

Circular duct up to 300mm diameter penetrating a composite floor min topping 60mm or concrete slab 90mm thick or greater. Core-drilled hole. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-25 single or double layer. Internal fire. Up to FRR 120/120/30.

FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 Support Channels, Cables, Sprinkler Pipes

System ID FC809

Protection of duct support channels, cables and sprinkler pipes. FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38 around the channel or pipe and a patch over the cable. Internal or external fire. Up to FRR -/120/120.

FIRESTOP Duct Access Hatch (Rectangular Duct)

System ID FC804

FIRESTOP Duct Access Hatches for rectangular ducts have been tested with FIRESTOP Duct Wrap for internal and external fire in horizontal and vertical orientations. Unique design eliminates need for a separate non-fire hatch.  Max FRR 120/120/120

FIRESTOP Duct Access Hatch (Circular Duct)

System ID FC805

FIRESTOP Duct Access Hatches for circular ducts are the only hatches tested in circular ducts available in the NZ market. Unique design eliminates the need for a separate non-fire hatch. Available in standard sizes or custom-made to fit any circular duct above 300mm diameter. Max FRR 120/120/120


System ID FC545

Stainless steel ties for attaching duct wrap or thermal wrap in HVAC installations. Easily clip together for rock solid joins - no more having to carry heavy rolls of metal banding. Width 12mm. Lengths up to 3metres.


System ID FC875

FIRESTOP Weld Pins are used to secure FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38, FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-25 or any thermal wrap, to sheet metal ducts of all shapes (circular, rectangular or square). 
Available in buckets of 1,000 in a range of sizes. FIRESTOP Weld Pins come complete with an insulating paper inlay. 

FIRESTOP Embossed Tape

System ID FC727

FIRESTOP Embossed Tape is a high-performance, multi-layered, fire-rated tape made from polyester and aluminium foil paired with a cold-weather adhesive. It is engineered for durability, UV exposure, extreme environmental conditions, and fungi resistance. It is specifically designed for use in the FIRESTOP Duct Wrap-38/25 systems and also operates as a vapour barrier and for general insulation applications.

Systems for Timber Walls and Floors

System ID FC537

Timber systems are currently being assessed to AS1530.4 and will be displayed here when complete. For a summary of what is currently available under EN1366 tests download the Protecta Timber Systems Handbook opposite.

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC732

PVC, PVC with socket, HDPE, PP-R (Aquatherm), PP-MD (Acoustic), PEX, PB or PEX/Al/PEX pipe up to 225mm diameter through a concrete slab floor (from 70mm). Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of slab. Max FRR -/240/180

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete Wall Plastic Pipe

System ID FC777

PVC, HDPE, PP-R (Aquatherm) pipe up to 150mm diameter through a concrete wall. Allproof fire collar fixed to both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/180/180

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete Floor Plastic Floor Waste

System ID FC629

PVC (with or without socket) or HDPE floor waste up to 100mm diameter through a concrete or AAC floor slab (min 70mm). Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of slab. Max FRR -/180/120

Allproof Fire Collar Rib and Timber Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC690

PVC, PEX, PB, PEX/AL/PE, PP-R pipes up to 100mm diameter through a concrete rib and timber infill floor (from 70mm). Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of slab. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete Floor Waste Timber Infill

System ID FC734

PVC floor waste up to 100mm diameter through a concrete rib and timber infill floor (from 70mm). Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of slab. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete Floor Hollow Core Plastic Pipe

System ID FC730

PVC, HDPE, PEX, PP-R, PP-MD pipes through a 150mm hollow core concrete floor. Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of slab. Max FRR -/90/90

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete Floor Hollow Core Plastic Floor Waste

System ID FC731

PVC plastic floor waste up to 100mm through a 150mm hollow core concrete floor. Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of slab. Max FRR -/90/90

Allproof Fire Collar CLT Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC221

PVC (up to 100mm) and PEX (up to 25mm) pipes through a CLT floor (from 105mm). Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of floor. Max FRR -/60/60.

Allproof Fire Collar Composite Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC220

PVC (up to 100mm), PEX (16mm), PP-R (32mm) pipes through a composite floor (from 70mm). Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of slab. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Fire Collar Ceiling-Floor Cables

System ID FC631

Cables and air-con services through a 2x13mm ceiling and particleboard floor above. Allproof Fire Collar and Protecta FR Acrylic sealant. Max FRR -/90/90

Allproof Fire Collar Ceiling-Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC735

Plastic pipe (PVC, PVC with socket, PP-R, PEX, Polybute) through a 2x13mm ceiling and particleboard floor above. Allproof Fire Collar and intumescent fire sealant. Max FRR -/90/90

Allproof Fire Collar Plasterboard Ceiling PVC Floor Waste

System ID FC736

PVC 100mm floor waste through a 2x13mm ceiling and particleboard floor above. Allproof Fire Collar and intumescent fire sealant. Max FRR -/90/-

Allproof Fire Collar Plasterboard Wall (Single) Plastic Pipe

System ID FC737

Plastic pipes of all types (PVC, PE, PP, PEX, etc) through a single layer 13mm, 16mm or 19mm plasterboard wall. Allproof Fire Collar and intumescent sealant to both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Fire Collar Plasterboard Wall (Single) Plastic Pipe In-Wall

System ID FC738

Plastic pipes of all types (PVC, PE, PP, PEX, etc) through a single layer 13mm, 16mm or 19mm plasterboard wall. Allproof Fire Collar inserted inside the wall to both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/120/90

Allproof Fire Collar Plasterboard Wall (Double) Plastic Pipe

System ID FC742

Plastic pipes of all types (PVC, PE, PP, PEX, etc) through a double layer 13mm or 16mm plasterboard wall. Allproof Fire Collar and intumescent sealant to both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Fire Collar Plasterboard Wall Cables

System ID FC632

Cables, conduits and air-con services through a single layer 13mm plasterboard wall. Allproof Fire Collar and MAS310 fire sealant to both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/60/60

Allproof Fire Collar Inside Plasterboard Wall Pair Coil

System ID FC633

Air-con services (pair coil, TPS cable, Flexi Hose) through a single layer 13mm plasterboard wall with Allproof Fire Collar inside the wall cavity. Max FRR -/60/60

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete or Speedpanel Wall Plastic Pipe

System ID FC750

Plastic pipes of all types (PVC, PE, PP, PEX, etc) through a concrete or Speedpanel 78mm wall. Allproof Fire Collar and intumescent sealant to both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Fire Collar Speedpanel with Plasterboard Plastic Pipe

System ID FC751

Plastic pipes (PVC, PEX, PEX/AL/PEX) through a Speedpanel 78mm wall with plasterboard lining or patch. Allproof Fire Collar and intumescent fire sealant to both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Fire Collar Hebel Wall with Plasterboard Plastic Pipe

System ID FC752

Plastic pipes (PVC, PEX, PEX/AL/PEX) through a Hebel Powerpanel 75mm wall with plasterboard lining or patch. Allproof Fire Collar and intumescent fire sealant to both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Drop-In Fire Collar Ceiling-Floor PVC Pipe

System ID FC634

PVC pipes up to 100mm through a 2x13mm ceiling and particleboard floor above. Allproof Drop-In Fire Collar installed from above. Max FRR -/90/90

Allproof Drop-In Collar Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC639

PP-MD (acoustic) and PP-R (aquatherm) pipes up to 150mm diameter through a concrete or AAC floor slab from 70mm. Allproof drop-in collar fixed from top side of slab with 5mm sealant. Max FRR -/90/60

Allproof Drop-In Collar Concrete Floor Plastic Floor Waste

System ID FC635

PVC floor waste up to 100mm diameter through a concrete or AAC floor slab minimum 70mm thick. Allproof drop-in collar fixed from top side of slab. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Drop-In Collar Composite Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC688

PVC, HDPE, Acoustic or Aquatherm pipe up to 150mm diameter through a composite floor, minimum topping 70mm. Allproof drop-in collar fixed from top side of slab. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Drop-In Collar Composite Floor Plastic Floor Waste

System ID FC687

PVC or HDPE floor waste up to 100mm diameter through a composite floor, minimum topping 70mm. Allproof drop-in collar fixed from top side of slab. Max FRR -/120/120

Allproof Drop-In Collar Composite Floor Cables

System ID FC770

Cables and Pair Coils through a composite floor, minimum topping 70mm. Allproof drop-in collar fixed from top side of slab. Max FRR -/120/90

Allproof Pipe Wrap Concrete Floor Plastic Pipe

System ID FC671

PVC, HDPE, PP-R, PP-MD pipes up to 150mm diameter through a concrete or AAC floor slab from 120mm. Allproof pipe wrap inserted bottom side of slab. Max FRR -/180/180

Allproof Pipe Wrap Concrete Wall Plastic Pipe

System ID FC776

PVC, HDPE, PP-R pipes up to 150mm diameter through a concrete or AAC 150mm wall. Allproof pipe wrap inserted both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/180/180

Allproof Flush Box Pad Plasterboard Wall

System ID FC630

Metal flush boxes, single, double and back-to-back in plasterboard wall from single layer 13mm. Allproof Flush Box Intumescent Pad to back of box. Max FRR -/120/90

Allproof MAS310 Plasterboard Wall Brass Wingback

System ID FC691

Brass Wingback (20mm od) through a single layer 13mm plasterboard wall. Allproof Fire Rated Mastic (MAS310) to the full depth of the plasterboard. Max FRR -/60/60

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete Floor Timber Infill Cables Pair Coil

System ID FC771

Cables and air-con services through a 70mm concrete floor with 25mm timber infill. Allproof Fire Collar fixed through timber infill. Max FRR -/90/90

Allproof Fire Collar CLT Floor Cables Pair Coils

System ID FC772

Cables and Pair Coils through a CLT floor (from 105mm). Allproof fire collar fixed to underside of floor. Max FRR -/60/60

Allproof Fire Collar Concrete Floor Cables

System ID FC773

Cables, including fibre optic, through a 70mm concrete floor. Allproof Fire Collar beneath the floor. Max FRR -/60/60

AGNI-Black Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall PEX Pipe 16-40mm

System ID FC865

PEX pipe (16-40mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 26mm both sides, finished flush with wall. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Black Pbd (1x13mm) or Concrete Wall PEX Pipe 16-32mm

System ID FC887

PEX pipe (16-32mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 26mm both sides, finished flush with wall. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Black Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall PEX-AL-PEX Pipe

System ID FC864

PEX-AL-PEX pipe (16-32mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 26mm each side, finished flush with wall. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Black Pbd (1x13mm) or Concrete Wall PEX-AL-PEX Pipe

System ID FC855

PEX-AL-PEX pipe (16-32mm) thick through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (90mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 13mm each side of wall with a cone of 20mm. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Black Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall PB Pipe 15-28mm

System ID FC435

Plastic pipe (Polybutylene 15-28mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 26mm both sides, finished flush with wall. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Black Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall FR Pair Coil inc cables and pipe

System ID FC885

Pair Coil, FR insulation with or without TPS cable and PVC pipe through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 26mm both sides, finishing flush with wall. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Black Pbd (1x13mm) or Concrete Wall FR Pair Coil inc cables and pipe

System ID FC889

Pair Coil, FR insulation with or without TPS cable and PVC pipe through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (90mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 13mm both sides, finishing with 20mm cone both sides. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Black Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall PE Pair Coil

System ID FC886

Pair Coil, PE insulation through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 26mm both sides, finishing flush with wall. Max FRR -/120/60.

AGNI-Black Pbd (1x13mm) or Concrete Wall PE Pair Coil

System ID FC888

Pair Coil, PE insulation through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (90mm or greater). AGNI-Black sealant to 13mm both sides, finishing with a 20mm cone each side. Max FRR -/60/45.

AGNI-Seal 1x13mm Pbd or Concrete Wall Joints

System ID FC862

Joints, vertical or horizontal, up to 40mm wide in plasterboard (1 x 13mm) or concrete (min 90mm) walls. AGNI-Seal to both faces of the wall. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal 2x13mm Pbd or Concrete Wall Joints

System ID FC836

Joints, vertical or horizontal, up to 40mm wide in plasterboard (2 x 13mm) or concrete (min 116mm) walls. AGNI-Seal to both faces of the wall. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Seal Concrete Floor Joints

System ID FC834

Joints in concrete floors (min 120mm) from 10mm to 40mm wide. AGNI-Seal to both faces of floor. Max FRR -/180/150.

AGNI-Seal Plasterboard Ceiling Copper Pipe

System ID FC820

Copper pipe (any size up to 100mm) through a 1 x 13mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the plasterboard. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Plasterboard Ceiling Steel Pipe

System ID FC821

Steel pipe (up to 50mm) through a 1 x 13mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the plasterboard. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Plasterboard Ceiling Sprinkler Head & Steel Pipe

System ID FC822

Sprinkler head and steel pipe through a 1 x 13mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the plasterboard. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Plasterboard Ceiling Cables

System ID FC823

Single cables (TPS, Coax or Data, 40mm spacing) through a 1 x 13mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the plasterboard. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Pbd Wall 1x13 Single Cable

System ID FC846

Single cables (Data, Coax, TPS) through one side only of a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall. Spacing 40mm. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 10mm cone. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Pbd Wall 1x13 Data Cable Bundle

System ID FC847

Cable bundle (up to 5 x data cables) through one side only of a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 20mm cone. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Pbd Wall 1x13 TPS Cable Bundle

System ID FC848

Cable bundle (up to 5 x TPS cables) through one side only of a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 20mm cone. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Pbd Wall 1x13 Brass Wingback

System ID FC849

Brass Wingback through fire-side only of a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 20mm cone. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Pbd Wall 1x13 Single Cable (2S)

System ID FC853

Single cable up to 21mm OD through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or 118mm concrete wall. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 20mm cone. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Pbd (1x13) or Concrete Wall Aluminium Core Cable

System ID FC890

Single aluminium core cable (25mm - 52mm) through 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall 90mm or greater. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 30mm cone. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Pbd (1x13) or Concrete Wall Threaded Rod

System ID FC891

Threaded steel rod (12mm) through 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall 90mm or greater. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 20mm cone both sides of wall. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Pbd 2x13mm or Concrete Wall Power Cables

System ID FC535

Cables (up to 8 x TPS power cables) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Seal in annular space and 30mm cone each side of wall. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Seal Pbd 2x13mm or Concrete Wall Data Cables

System ID FC830

Cables (up to 13 x CAT5 data cables) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Seal in annular space and 30mm cone each side of wall. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Seal Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall Copper or Steel Pipe

System ID FC852

Copper or steel pipe (10mm - 100mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Seal each side of wall with AGNI-Shield wrap. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Seal Concrete Floor/Ceiling Copper Pipes

System ID FC616

Bare copper or steel pipes up to 150mm through a 120mm concrete floor/ceiling. AGNI-Seal to one or both sides, with AGNI-Shield wrap. Max FRR -/120/120

AGNI-Seal CLT Wall Cable Bundle

System ID FC841

Cable bundles (up to 8 x TPS cables) through a 100mm CLT wall. AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 10mm cone each side. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Hebel Wall Cable Bundle

System ID FC304

Cable bundle (up to 8 x TPS cables) through a Hebel wall (75mm or greater). AGNI-Seal to the depth of the wall with 30mm cone each side. Max FRR -/120/60.

AGNI-Seal Shaftwall Cable Bundle

System ID FC217

Cable bundle (up to 8 x TPS cables) through a Shaftwall (25mm Shaftliner and 16mm FR plasterboard). AGNI-Seal to depth of wall with a 30mm cone fillet each side. Max FRR -/60/60

AGNI-Seal Hebel Wall Copper or Steel Pipe

System ID FC894

Copper or steel pipe (32mm - 100mm) through a Hebel wall (75mm or greater). AGNI-Seal to depth of wall with AGNI-Shield wrap. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Seal Shaftwall Copper or Steel Pipe

System ID FC231

Copper or steel pipe (32mm - 100mm) through a Shaftwall (25mm Shaftliner and 16mm FR plasterboard). AGNI-Seal to depth of wall with AGNI-Shield wrap. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Seal Hebel Wall Copper Cable

System ID FC640

Cable (copper 20mm) through a Hebel wall (75mm or greater). AGNI-Seal to depth of wall with a 30mm cone fillet each side. Max FRR -/120/60.

AGNI-Seal Shaftwall Copper Cable

System ID FC216

Cable (copper 20mm) through a Shaftwall (25mm Shaftliner and 16mm FR plasterboard). AGNI-Seal to depth of wall with a 30mm cone fillet each side. Max FRR -/60/15

AGNI-Seal Hebel Wall Aluminium Cable

System ID FC282

Cable (aluminium 25mm) through a Hebel wall (75mm or greater). AGNI-Seal to depth of wall with a 30mm cone fillet each side. Max FRR -/120/120

AGNI-Seal Shaftwall Aluminium Cable

System ID FC230

Cable (aluminium 25mm) through a Shaftwall (25mm Shaftliner and 16mm FR plasterboard). AGNI-Seal to depth of wall with a 30mm cone fillet each side. Max FRR -/60/60

AGNI-Sleeve Concrete Floor/Ceiling PVC Pipe Top Fix

System ID FC806

Plastic pipe (PVC-U, 32-150mm) through a concrete or AAC floor or ceiling (100mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve top fixed with tabs and 10mm AGNI-Seal sealant at top of floor/ceiling. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Sleeve Concrete Floor/Ceiling PVC Pipe Top Fix 360min

System ID FC857

Plastic pipe (PVC-U, up to 100mm) through a concrete or AAC floor or ceiling (190mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve with tabs top fixed with 10mm AGNI-Seal sealant at top of floor/ceiling. Max FRR -/360/360.

AGNI-Sleeve Composite Floor PVC Pipe Top Fix

System ID FC867

Plastic pipe (PVC-U, up to 100mm diam) through a composite floor (topping min 70mm). Single AGNI-Sleeve top fixed with 10mm AGNI-Seal at top of floor. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Sleeve Composite Floor PVC Pipe Bottom Fix

System ID FC880

Plastic pipe (PVC-U, 32-100mm diam) through a composite floor (topping min 70mm). Single AGNI-Sleeve bottom fixed with 20mm AGNI-Board at top of floor. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Sleeve Concrete Floor/Ceiling PPR Pipe Top Fix

System ID FC813

Aquatherm plastic pipe (PPR, 32-90mm) through a concrete or AAC floor/ceiling (100mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve top fixed with tabs with 10mm AGNI-Seal sealant to top of floor/ceiling. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Sleeve Concrete Floor/Ceiling PPR Pipe Top Fix 360min

System ID FC858

Aquatherm plastic pipe (PPR, 125mm) through a concrete or AAC floor/ceiling (190mm or greater). Double layer AGNI-Sleeve with tabs top fixed with 10mm AGNI-Seal sealant to top of floor/ceiling. Max FRR -/360/360.

AGNI-Sleeve Composite Floor PP-R Pipe Top Fix

System ID FC868

Aquatherm plastic pipe (PP-R, 90mm) through a composite floor (topping min 70mm). Single AGNI-Sleeve top fixed with 10mm AGNI-Seal sealant to top of floor. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Sleeve Composite Floor PP-R Pipe Bottom Fix

System ID FC881

Aquatherm plastic pipe (PP-R, 90mm) through a composite floor (topping min 70mm). Single AGNI-Sleeve bottom fixed with 20mm AGNI-Board to top of floor. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Sleeve Composite Floor Flexible Conduit Top Fix

System ID FC870

Flexible Conduit 50mm, empty or with up to 6 x TPS cables through a composite floor (topping min 70mm). Single AGNI-Sleeve with tabs top fixed with 10mm AGNI-Seal sealant to top of floor. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Sleeve Composite Floor Flexible Conduit Bottom Fix

System ID FC879

Flexible Conduit 50mm, empty or with TPS cables through a composite floor (topping min 70mm). Single AGNI-Sleeve with tabs bottom fixed with 20mm AGNI-Board to top of floor. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Sleeve Composite Floor Pair Coil Top Fix

System ID FC869

Pair Coil with condensate pipe and TPS cable through a composite floor (topping min 70mm). Single AGNI-Sleeve with tabs top fixed with 10mm AGNI-Seal sealant to top of floor. Max FRR -/120/90.

AGNI-Sleeve Concrete Floor/Ceiling PVC Pipe Bottom Fix

System ID FC814

Plastic pipe (PVC-U, 32-100mm) through a concrete or AAC floor/ceiling (120mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve bottom fixed with 20mm AGNI-Seal sealant to bottom of floor/ceiling. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Sleeve Concrete Floor/Ceiling PPR Pipe Bottom Fix

System ID FC815

Aquatherm plastic pipe (PPR, 40-90mm) through a concrete or AAC floor/ceiling (120mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve bottom fixed with 20mm AGNI-Seal sealant to bottom of floor/ceiling. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Sleeve Concrete Floor/Ceiling Floor Waste 360min

System ID FC859

Floor waste (80mm with PVC elbow) through a concrete or AAC floor/ceiling (190mm or greater). Single layer AGNI-Sleeve with tabs and ceramic backing. Max FRR -/360/360.

AGNI-Sleeve Pbd or Concrete Wall PVC Pipe

System ID FC816

Plastic pipe (PVC-U, 80-100mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve extending 25mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Sleeve Pbd or Concrete Wall PEX Pipe

System ID FC827

PEX pipe (40mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve extending 25mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Sleeve Pbd or Concrete Wall Kelox Pipe

System ID FC854

Kelox Pipe (PERT-AL-PERT) with PE Foam insulation up to 13mm thick through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (118mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve extending 10mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/45.

AGNI-Sleeve Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall Pair Coils Single or Double FR or PE with Cables

System ID FC609

Pair Coils (single or double set of pair coils with TPS cables, PE or FR insulation) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). Single AGNI-Sleeve extending 25mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Straps and AGNI-Seal. Max FRR -/120/60.

AGNI-Sleeve CLT Wall PVC Pipe

System ID FC844

PVC-U pipe (32mm - 80mm) through a 100mm CLT wall. Single AGNI-Sleeve extending 10mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Sleeve CLT Wall PEX Pipe

System ID FC843

PEX pipe (16mm - 25mm) through a 100mm CLT wall. Single AGNI-Sleeve extending 10mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Sleeve CLT Wall 25mm Flexible Conduit with Cables

System ID FC845

Flexible Conduit (25mm) through a 100mm CLT wall. Single AGNI-Sleeve extending 10mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd or Concrete Wall PVC Pipe

System ID FC817

Plastic pipe (PVC-U, 40-100mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap 50mm extending 25mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd or Concrete Wall PEX Pipe

System ID FC818

Plastic pipe (PEX, 16-25mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap 50mm extending 25mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd Wall PEX Pipe Single-side

System ID FC850

PEX pipe (up to 25mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or masonry wall (90mm or greater). Fire side only. AGNI-Wrap 50mm extending 25mm from the wall. No sealant required. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd or Concrete Wall Conduit with Cables

System ID FC828

Flexible conduit (25mm) with TPS cables through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap 50mm extending 25mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall PVC Pipe (20mm)

System ID FC832

Plastic pipe (PVC-U, 20mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap single layer each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall PVC Pipe (32-100mm)

System ID FC856

Plastic pipe (PVC-U 32mm up to 100mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap single or double layer each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd (2x13mm) or Concrete Wall PEX Pipe

System ID FC863

PEX pipe (16-40mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap single layer each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd or Concrete Wall Blue PE Pipe

System ID FC829

Plastic pipe (Blue PE, 20mm, 63mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap (single or double layer) each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Hebel Wall PEX Pipe 25mm

System ID FC831

PEX pipe (25mm) through a Hebel wall (min 75mm). AGNI-Wrap 50 single layer each side of wall with AGNI-Black sealant. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Shaftwall PEX Pipe 25mm

System ID FC218

PEX pipe (25mm) through a Shaftwall (25mm Shaftliner and 16mm FR plasterboard). AGNI-Wrap 50 single layer each side of wall with AGNI-Black sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Hebel Wall Pair Coil (PE or FR)

System ID FC833

Pair Coil with cable and pipe through a Hebel wall (75mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap single layer each side of wall with AGNI-Black sealant. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Shaftwall Pair Coil (PE or FR)

System ID FC219

Pair Coil with cable and pipe through a Shaftwall (25mm Shaftliner and 16mm FR plasterboard). AGNI-Wrap single layer each side of wall with AGNI-Black sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd 2x13mm or Concrete Wall Flexible Conduit

System ID FC851

Flexible Conduit (50mm) filled with up to 9 TPS cables through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap single layer each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd 2x13mm or Concrete Wall PVC-U Conduit

System ID FC225

PVC-U Conduit (up to 50mm) empty or filled with up to 14 TPS cables through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap 25 single layer each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Pbd (1x13mm) or Concrete Wall PE Pair Coils Single or Double inc cables

System ID FC892

Pair Coils, single or double, PE insulation with TPS cable through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (90mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap in aperture with AGNI-Black sealant between wrap and coils. Finish with AGNI-Seal fillet over exposed AGNI-Wrap. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Concrete Floor Ceiling 40mm Floor Waste

System ID FC860

Floor Waste (40mm) through a concrete floor/ceiling (120mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap-25 single layer within the annular space and double layer beneath No sealant required. Max FRR -/240/240.

AGNI-Wrap Concrete Floor Ceiling 80mm Floor Waste

System ID FC861

Floor Waste (up to 80mm) through a concrete floor/ceiling (120mm or greater). AGNI-Wrap-25 double layer within the annular space and double layer beneath No sealant required. Max FRR -/120/120.

AGNI-Wrap Plasterboard Ceiling 25mm Flexible Conduit

System ID FC842

Flexible conduit, 25mm, empty or with up to 3 TPS cables through a 1 x 16mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Wrap around conduit with AGNI-Seal. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Plasterboard Ceiling 50mm Flexible Conduit

System ID FC835

Flexible conduit, 50mm, empty or with up to 6 TPS cables through a 1 x 16mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Wrap around conduit with AGNI-Seal. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Plasterboard Ceiling Pair Coils

System ID FC824

Pair Coils with PE or FR insulation, up to 3 sets, through a 1 x 13mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Wrap around each pair coil and the bundle. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Plasterboard Ceiling 40-80mm PVC Pipe

System ID FC839

PVC-U pipe (40mm - 80mm) through a 1 x 16mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Wrap around pipe with AGNI-Seal. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Plasterboard Ceiling 100mm PVC Pipe

System ID FC837

100mm PVC-U pipe through a 1 x 16mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Wrap (one or two layers) around pipe with AGNI-Seal. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Wrap Plasterboard Ceiling PEX Pipe

System ID FC838

PEX pipe (16mm - 40mm) through a 1 x 16mm or greater plasterboard ceiling. AGNI-Wrap round pipe with AGNI-Seal. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Shield Pbd or Concrete Wall Copper Pipe

System ID FC825

Copper pipe (up to 150mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Shield extending 150-450mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Shield Pbd or Concrete Wall Steel Pipe

System ID FC826

Steel pipe (50mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). AGNI-Shield extending 150mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Shield Pbd or Concrete Wall 42mm Steel Pipe

System ID FC866

Steel pipe (42mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall or concrete wall (116mm or greater). Double layer AGNI-Shield extending 50mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

AGNI-Shield CLT Wall Steel Pipe

System ID FC840

Steel pipe (50mm) through a 100mm CLT wall. AGNI-Shield extending 100mm from each side of wall with AGNI-Seal sealant. Max FRR -/60/60.

CSD Rise Ultra Wrap PPM

System ID FC235

Plastic pipe (up to 100mm) through a concrete wall. CSD Rise Ultra Wrap fitted tightly around pipe to 1/8 of diam of pipe. CSD Nofirno Sealant 5mm each side of wall for smoke and water seal.

CSD Rise Ultra Wrap PPP

System ID FC236

Plastic pipe (up to 100mm) through a plasterboard wall. CSD Rise Ultra Wrap fitted tightly around pipe. CSD Nofirno Sealant 5mm each side of wall for smoke and water seal. Max aperture 400x450mm.

CSD Actifoam CPW

System ID FC238

Cables, cable trays and conduit through a plasterboard or concrete wall. CSD Actifoam sheets with strips separating cables. Finish with 10mm of CSD Nofirno sealant for smoke and water tightness.

CSD Actifoam MPW

System ID FC239

Metallic pipe (up to 550mm) through a plasterboard or concrete wall. CSD Actifoam sheets and strips with 5mm CSD Nofirno sealant for smoke and water tightness.

CSD Rise Sleeves CPW

System ID FC240

Cables (single or multiple up to 100mm) or conduit through a concrete or plasterboard wall. CSD Rise Rapid insert sleeves around each cable to ensure separation. Fill all spaces with CSD Rise Rapid or Nofirno filler sleeves. Finish with 20mm CSD Nofirno Sealant both sides of wall.

CSD Rise Nofirno Sleeves MPP

System ID FC241

Metal pipes (single or multiple) through a plasterboard or concrete wall. Pipes may be angled. CSD Nofirno filler sleeves with CSD Nofirno sealant 20mm each side of wall.

CSD Nofirno Board CPW

System ID FC242

Cables or cable tray through oversized aperture in plasterboard or concrete wall. CSD Actifoam or CSD Rise sleeves installed around cables/cable tray with CSD Nofirno Board to complete. CSD Nofirno fire sealant to finish. Aperture up to 1800x100mm or equivalent.

Mulcol Multicollar Slim Plastic Pipe Pbd or Concrete Wall

System ID FC528

PVC, PE or PP plastic pipe up to 165mm through a plasterboard or concrete wall 100mm or greater. Single or double Mulcol Multicollar Slim each side with Mulcol Sealant 10mm deep. Max FFR -/120/120

Mulcol Multicollar Slim Insulated (CI/LI) Plastic Pipe Pbd or Concrete Wall

System ID FC251

Insulated PVC, PE or PP plastic pipe up to 110mm through a plasterboard or concrete wall 100mm or greater. Insulation interrupted through the wall and may be combustible or non-combustible. Single or double Mulcol Multicollar Slim each side with Mulcol Sealant 10mm deep. Max FFR -/120/120

Mulcol Multicollar Slim Insulated (CS/LS) Plastic Pipe Pbd or Concrete Wall

System ID FC143

Insulated PVC, PE or PP plastic pipe up to 110mm through a plasterboard or concrete wall 100mm or greater. Insulation sustained through wall and may be combustible or non-combustible. Single or double Mulcol Multicollar Slim each side with Mulcol Sealant 10mm deep. Max FFR -/120/90

Mulcol Multicollar Slim Plastic Pipe (Angled) Pbd or Concrete Wall

System ID FC530

PVC, PE or PP plastic pipe up to 110mm at an angle up to 45O through a plasterboard or concrete wall 100mm or greater. Closed systems only. Double Mulcol Multicollar Slim each side with Mulcol Sealant 10mm deep. Max FFR -/120/120

Mulcol Multicollar Slim - Plastic Pipe with Elbow

System ID FC478

PVC or PP plastic pipe up to 125mm with elbow through a plasterboard or concrete wall 100mm or greater. Mulcol Multicollar Slim each side with Mulcol Sealant 10mm deep. Max FFR -/90/90

Mulcol Multicollar Slim - Plastic Pipe with Elbow against Wall

System ID FC803

PVC, PE or PP plastic pipe up to 110mm with elbow through a plasterboard or concrete wall 100mm or greater with no clearance from wall. Mulcol Multicollar Slim standard fitting one side and U-shaped fitting on elbow side. Mulcol Sealant 10mm deep both sides. Max FFR -/120/120

FBL-100 C-Purlins through P'bd Wall

System ID FC228

C-Purlin (200mm to 400mm) through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall. Tech Coatings FBL-100 Intumescent Paint applied for 300mm on fire side only (or both sides for two-way application). May be used for any rolled steel profile 1.15mm to 3mm thick.  FRR -/60/60

FBL-100 Timber through 60min P'bd Wall

System ID FC290

Timber trusses (with or without exposed vertical web) or purlins through a 1 x 13mm plasterboard wall. Tech Coatings FBL-100 Intumescent Paint applied for 300mm on fire side only (or both sides for two-way application). May be used for any timber 90mm x 45mm or greater.  FRR -/60/60

FBL-100 Timber through 30min Standard P'bd Wall

System ID FC289

Timber trusses (with or without exposed vertical web) or purlins through a 1 x 13mm standard plasterboard wall. Tech Coatings FBL-100 Intumescent Paint applied for 300mm on fire side only (or both sides for two-way application). May be used for any timber 90mm x 45mm or greater.  FRR -/30/30

Tenmat FF102 Ventilated Cavity Fire Barrier

System ID FC739

Fire seal for a ventilated cavity barrier up to 50mm gap. May be attached to concrete, AAC, block, brick, timber, or existing mineral fibre insulation. Two versions - 25mm gap and 50mm gap. Max FRR -/120/120

RLA FirePro FR Gap Seal Concrete Walls

System ID FC292

Horizontal or Vertical gaps up to 50mm in concrete walls or between concrete slabs. FRL FirePro FR sealant to a depth of 30mm both sides. External or internal use. Max FRR -/360/360

RLA FirePro FR P'bd Wall Joints (with Cables)

System ID FC347

Vertical gaps up to 20mm and horizontal gaps up to 40mm in 2x13mm plasterboard wall, including cable bundle up to 20mm. RLA FirePro FR sealant to the depth of the plasterboard with cone around cable. Max FRR -/120/120

RLA FirePro FR Sealant Plasterboard Wall Copper Pipe

System ID FC504

Copper Pipe (up to 150mm) through a 2 x 13mm plasterboard wall 116mm thick or equivalent concrete wall. RLA FirePro Intumescent Sealant applied in a 50 x 70mm cone with 300mm insulating wrap both sides of the wall. Max FRR -/120/90