FIRESTOP Ultra Sealant

FIRESTOP Ultra Sealant is a fire-rated, water-based acrylic sealant designed for indoor and outdoor applications for joints or service penetrations that require fire-stopping. When exposed to fire, FIRESTOP Ultra Sealant expands to create a solid plug, effectively blocking fire spread through service apertures or linear gaps in fire-rated walls, floors, or ceilings. FIRESTOP Ultra Sealant is UV and water resistant and has excellent flexibility and non-slump properties. It is also non-drooping and tested for various indoor and outdoor applications.

High-Performance Sealant: This sealant offers flexibility in construction and can handle up to 20% joint movement, ensuring durability and adaptability.
Environmentally Friendly: Features a low VOC content (8g/L), aligning with Green Star project standards.
Good Adhesion: Provides robust bonding with a wide range of construction materials like steel, timber, concrete, glass, and plasterboard.
User-Friendly Application: Can be easily applied, smoothed, and finished.
Resistant to Weather and UV: Exhibits resilience against UV rays and weather conditions and is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
Safe and Non-toxic: Water-based, non-flammable, and non-hazardous composition makes it a safe choice for various environments.
Compatibility with Paints: Can be painted over with water-based paints, allowing for aesthetic versatility.

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